An evil Halloween clown costume

Don’t Tell the Kids… Candy Wine Pairings

Tonight, after all the hustle and bustle of Halloween comes to a close, it’ll be time to get the kids off to bed – then raid their stash! Oh?  But what to pair with it all?  After all, if you’re gonna raid their stash, you might as well…

A lineup of Cameron Hughes Wine wine bottles lying on their side

Decoded: Wine Serving Temps

It is well-known and spoken about in the wine community: Americans drink their whites too cold; their reds too warm.  While this is a grossly generalized statement, it exists for a reason.  For example, when you dine out at a restaurant, the white wines are sitting in a…

Drawing of various wine bottle shapes and sizes

Decoded: Intro to Wine Bottle Shapes

In the world of wine, there are numerous bottle shapes and styles.  More recently, wineries have been doing some incredibly artistic things with their bottles with marketing and customer awareness in mind.  At a later date we will go into a much deeper dive on these shapes and…