If you are one to enjoy cooking at home and love taking your time to perfect a recipe, or desire to be like the stated individual, we cannot recommend Julia Child’s book enough. This is the quintessential guide to French style cuisine from sauces and soups all the…
Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Child, et al., 50th Anniversary
Our Top Tips for Hosting a Dinner Party
It takes all kinds… Here to illustrate that idea is our staff’s list of the top tips they have to offer for hosting a successful dinner party. Let us state: this was intended to help initially, but as most things go around here, it devolves into foolishness pretty…
Rack of Lamb with Roasted Spring Vegetables
Spring is in full swing, and Summer is rapidly approaching for those of us on the West Coast. What better way to celebrate than with an incredibly delicious rack of Lamb with fresh seasonal veggies! This dish will be great addition to your dinner arsenal for pleasing discerning…
Wine Decoded: Delineated
While there are many terms that your Sommelier may use that are familiar (i.e. apples, pears, lemon zest, etc.…), one that is commonly used but oft looked over by the consumer is the idea of delineated fruits or delineated characteristics in the wines. In my younger years I’d…