3.14159265359… For those of us who have been out of math class for a while, as a refresher, π (pi – pronounced “pie”) is the mathematical constant that defines the ratio of of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Wait… What does this have to do with wine? Well,…
Happy π Day!
Understanding Italy: Chianti & Chianti Classico
In both Chianti and Chianti Classico, Sangiovese is the main grape. So what is the difference between the two? No one would fault you if you believed (until reading this) that one is what it is and the other is the more “classic” expression of the wine. Sorry,…
Cabernet Franc
Happy Cabernet Franc Day! And it couldn’t be at a better time of the year. Nothing sounds better than cozying up by the fireplace with a delicious glass of Cab Franc to help keep you warm. Cabernet Franc in the new world has an association with big heavy…